E4 – Immersive Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems

Project E4 focuses on CPS scenarios where spatio-temporal concepts like distance, orientation, velocity, and visibility play an important role, and where a large number of variations is central. E4 conducts research on 1) multi-agent scenarios with autonomous CPS agents, where visual inspection tools facilitate the analysis of sensors and communication channels as well as spatial relationships among agents; 2) the visual analysis of discrete state space scenarios, in particular closing the system lifecycle loop by re-training neural action policies triggered and informed by visual inspection; 3) exploiting immersive technology for real-time human oversight and for designing future control centres, utilising novel and optimised streaming visualisation approaches.

Principal Investigators

Principal Investigator
Technische Universität Dresden
Principal Investigator
Technische Universität Dresden
Principal Investigator
Saarland University


Wolfgang Büschel
( )
Timo P. Gros
( , )
David Groß
( , )
Franziska Kahlert
( )
Tianfang Lin
( )
Weizhou Luo
( , )
Benjamin Russig
( , )
Rufat Rzayev
( , )
Marc Satkowski
( )

Past Contributors


Julián Méndez
( , )
