C1 – Programming Abstractions for Cyber-Physical Systems

Project C1 provides programming abstractions enabling perspicuity at the implementation level for CPS applications acting on the physical world. We will integrate stream-based monitoring languages with system models, bringing together abstraction-based synthesis and stream-based implementations. To improve trust in monitored data as well as to satisfy requirements at inspection-time, we will develop a verifying compiler for monitoring, enabling us to provide high confidence in captured behaviours, and to guarantee system-level requirements such as privacy. We develop immersive user interfaces for inspection and human oversight, leveraging counterfactual analysis for immersive what-if-analysis, combined with mission-level strategies that build on stream visualisation techniques.

Principal Investigators

Principal Investigator
CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Principal Investigator
Technische Universität Dresden
Principal Investigator
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems


Jan Baumeister
( )
Norine Coenen
( , )
David Groß
( , )
Khushraj Nanik Madnani
( , )
Sathiyanarayana Venkatesan Ramesh
( , )
Benjamin Russig
( , )
Malte Schledjewski
( , )
