On April 18, the kick-off event for the second round of the mentoring program for female early career researchers and students took place in the ceremonial hall of the Rectorate of TU Dresden. The mentoring program, which is funded by equality funds from various research areas at TU Dresden, supports its participants in their academic career development and networking in the various phases of their careers.
The event was opened by program coordinator Grit Schuster. Then, Prof. Speidel from the National Center for Tumor Diseases and spokesperson for the CeTI Cluster of Excellence gave an insight into her career and research work and was able to answer the interested questions on the topic of “Women in Science” with a vast of experience and valuable advice on the academic world of science.
A particular highlight of the event was the direct contact with the supporting research areas. The Clusters of Excellence CeTI, PoL and ct.qmat as well as the research areas SECAI, SFB 1143, GRK 2250, CPEC (SFB/TRR248) and the CRC 1415 presented their current research and the stimulating exchange with the female scientists present was rated as very profitable and inspiring by all those present.
The event was attended by 34 participants, all of whom are highly motivated to advance their careers in science. Their aim is to further their education, make contacts and receive support from experienced mentors in science.
This program kick-off has given a first impulse towards science and we are looking forward to an exciting second round of the mentoring program.