We are pleased to share the news that our Center for Perspicuous Computing is one of five Transregional Collaborative Research Centres that DFG has approved to extend for another four years. Overall, this increases the budget of CPEC’s research agenda by about 13 million €, with 8 million € going to Saarland University and its partners institutes in Saarbrücken and 5 million € going to TU Dresden.
This second funding period will start in January 2023. It will see CPEC researchers continuing their mission of enabling comprehension in a cyber-physical world. In addition, the CPEC research agenda will be enriched with a societal dimension. This not only is reflected by four entirely new projects, but also by the inclusion of six new distinguished researchers as principal investigators of CPEC: Prof. Dr. Sven Apel (Saarland University), Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Feit (Saarland University), Dr. Markus Langer (Saarland University, Psychology), Prof. Dr. Anne-Lauber Rönsberg (Technische Universität Dresden, Law), Dr. Anne-Kathrin Schmuck (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems), and Prof. Dr. Isabel Valera (Saarland University).